Revising the guides

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Curently working on second editions of the guides, taking on board feedback and comments. People who have purchased copies of the guides will be able to obtain the new versions without extra charge.

A significant change in presentation is to refer to the “turns” as Popperian “themes” to eliminate the implication that he was the one who changed direction. There  are six themes  but  there are other ways to present to unity and coherence of the work and I want to find a way to  include them as well.

For example in Realism and the Aim of Science xxxv he wrote “It so happens that the real linchpin of my thought about human knowledge is fallibillism and the critical approach”.

In his lectures during the 1950s and the series of  papers in the 1960s that became Objective Knowledge it is clear that problem-solving is a central feature, in contrast with passive data collecting and the explication of concepts. That is spelled out in the four-stage schema, including the all-important process of testing and critical appraisal which leads to the emergence of deeper problems.

I want to mention the historical approach and also situational analysis which I see as the way to approach scientific and intellectual problems  as well as the explanation of human action in the social sciences.

I also want to note the contribution of colleagues, especially in relation to various of the themes:  Bartley and Miller on conjectural knowledge and non-justificationism, Jarvie on the institutional theme (the social turn), Agassi on metaphysics, Bartley, Munz, Radnitzky and Wachterhauser on the evolutionary approach, Shearmur on the institutional theme and his work on Popper’s classical liberalism (adjusting the picture of Popper as a social democrat).

Any other suggestions?   Gombrich on the institutional turn (his 1974 paper in the Schilpp volume), Watkins on indeterminism in the Schilpp volume?

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