You Tube 1

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I have made some You Tube videos on critical rationalism, probability and logic.

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6 Responses to You Tube 1

  1. Lee Kelly says:

    Truth-preserving logical inferences work like a set of russian dolls. One never has more dolls after unpacking a set than one began with, and a doll will never contain another doll larger than itself. The particular dolls that a set contains may not be obvious to the mind (like the logical consequences of a set of premises), but their objective existence is not altered by our ignorance of them. The conclusion of a valid argument is always semantically equivalent to some part of the premises; the identity is just not always self-evident.

    Philosophers are forever searching for that doll whose contents are larger than itself It is a futile search.

  2. Lee Kelly says:

    Good videos, btw. What motivated you to make them?

  3. Alan Forrester says:

    “Good videos, btw. What motivated you to make them?”

    I looked up critical rationalism on You Tube and I was appalled by the results. If you want people to buy things, including ideas, you have to go out there and sell them, gosh darn it!

  4. Rafe says:

    Nice work Alan!

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